A First Note: Welcome to the Europe Blog!

Hello! It’s me, Emma. Welcome—and for some of you, welcome back—to my travel blog, this time with an exciting new addition: Andrew! (Mom, you’ll be missed.)

I’m writing to you from the tippy top of Manhattan, our first (unofficial) stop on this big adventure (longtime readers of the blog will remember a similar limbo from the Asia trip!). We got in this morning, although it feels like years ago, and we leave tomorrow night to fly to Madrid. It’s hard to believe that just two days ago Andrew and I were packing up and moving out from our home in Durham (see below for a master-level game of car Tetris. Not pictured: several breakdowns over my fear that everything would not fit), and now we’re less than a day away from three months in Europe.

It did! It all fit.

We don’t have much to share in the way of stories yet, but I do think that a quick orientation post is in order. There are a lot more of you here than the last time I did this! The main thing I wanted to share is that the point of this blog is first and foremost to preserve these memories for Andrew and me. It’s a public site because we’re so excited to share stories and pictures with all of our loved ones (and because frankly, it’s way more fun to write for an audience!) but it’s not a professional travel blog. We’re going to do our best to update about once a week but that will vary based on how much we do each week and, most importantly, whether we feel like writing! As long as it stays fun and fulfilling for us, you’ll keep getting blurry selfies and food pics.

Speaking of which, this is what we looked like at 6:30 am outside the Asheville airport this morning…

Doesn’t my hair look so cute? I got it cut and dyed yesterday so you have to say yes.

…and this is what we looked like boarding the train to the city (and by train to the city I mean a combination of an airport shuttle, an NJ Transit commuter train, and 150 blocks of the subway)…

…and this is the very quintessentially New York pizza we had for lunch.

And that’s all for now! We’ll be back shortly with a whole lot of Madrid content, so stay tuned.

In love and adventure,

E (and A!)

5 thoughts on “A First Note: Welcome to the Europe Blog!”

  1. this is so exciting! i’m so happy for both of you. may your flight go smoothly and may this pizza be the beginning of three months of local delicacies and deliciousness.

    1. Just for those who might be wondering, I tried replying from my phone and didn’t see a post button, so I texted Emma. I just logged on with my laptop and did a test reply, and found the “post” button, and it worked, but was a very short reply 🙁 But she got my original well wishes message!

  2. Thanks for your help in these postings….now I know where the post button is located. Looking forward to follow your European Adventure. Stay safe.

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